Mumbai: In the battle of epic Ramayana, it takes seven days for Lord Rama to defeat the Ravana, thereby chopping off his 10 heads. According to the legend, every time Sri Ram cut Ravana’s head, another head appears.


Being a true devotee of Lord Brahma, the creator, Ravana chopped off his head in reparation. Every time he sacrificed his head, another head would pop up. Impressed by Ravana’s dedication, Lord Brahma gave him a boon of immortality.

But why did Ravana, get such a magnificent boon of 10 heads?

Ravana was a great Vedic scholar possessing immense intellectual capabilities. Thus, the 10 heads, also known as Dasamukha symbolises the four Vedas- Rig-Veda, Sama-Veda, Yajur-Veda, and Atharva-Veda and 6 Shastras- Sankhyashastra, Yog, Nyayashastra, Vaisheshik, Purvamimansa and Uttar Mimansa.

According to another legend, the 10 heads of Ravana represent ten negative emotions, a human life owns- ego or ahankara; attachment or moha; regret or paschyataap; anger or krodha; hatred or ghrina; fear or bhaya; jealousy or irshya; greed or lobha; lust or kama and inertia/insensitivity or jaddata.

Despite having superpowers and boons from Lord Brahma and Shiva, the king of Lanka was defeated in the battle because his emotions overpowered his intellectual capabilities.

Thus, every year on Dussehra, the 10-headed Ravana is set to fire across India. With the ablaze, people are expected to shun the aforementioned negative emotions for a peaceful life.