Rangiya: Two leopards attacked villagers critically injuring eight people in a village of Kamrup (Rural) district of Assam on Wednesday, official sources said. The leopards were spotted in the field of one Bhagaban Deka this morning and as he raised a hue and cry, one of the animal injured him at Madhukuchi village in Rangiya subdivision.

The villagers rushed out with sticks and sharp weapons to attack the leopards who in turn attacked them and injured seven others.


While the villagers captured one of the leopards and killed it, the other escaped.

Besides Deka, the injured were identified as Prashanta Rajbongshi, Parama Rajbongshi, Mohidhar Deka, Dharmeswar Boro, Mukul Deka, Niranjan Deka and Mohiram Deka. The injured were initially admitted to the Rangiya Community Health Centre but later shifted to Guwahati Medical College Hospital.

Forest department employees along with the villagers have launched a operation to capture the leopard.

The police, led by Sub-Divisional Police Officer, have rushed to the spot.