Bhubaneswar: Opposition members created unruly scenes in the Odisha Assembly on Monday over the alleged deteriorating law and order situation in the state, forcing Speaker Pradip Amat to twice adjourn the House.
As soon as the House assembled, members of the main opposition Congress party trooped to the Speaker`s podium and shouted slogans against the government for its alleged failure to maintain law and order. They also carried placards bearing different slogans against the government. A Congress member also pulled out a chair placed near the reporters` table and tried to hurl it at the Speaker`s podium.
However, the chair was promptly snatched away by the Assembly staff and the Speaker escaped unhurt. Initially the Speaker suspended the House till 12 noon. As the chaos continued soon after it re-assembled, the Speaker again adjourned it till 3 pm.
The Winter Session of the Assembly commenced on December 9 will conclude December 31.