Moscow: Syria recalled its ambassador to Egypt on Sunday over Cairo`s withdrawal of its envoy in Damascus, the Al Jazeera TV channel reported.
Egypt`s Foreign Minister Mohammed Amr "summoned the Egyptian ambassador to Damascus, and it was decided that the ambassador will remain in Cairo until further notice", ministry spokesman Amr Rushd said in a statement on Sunday.
A number of Western and Arab countries have also earlier recalled their ambassadors in Syria. Syrian opposition activists called for a "day of defiance" on Sunday after security forces allegedly killed at least one person at a funeral in Damascus on Saturday.
The shooting came during a visit by a Chinese envoy, who called on all sides in the country to end violence.
Zhai Jun, China`s vice foreign minister, also backed government plans for a referendum on a new Constitution and subsequent elections. Human rights groups say the 11-month uprising against President Bashar al-Assad has claimed more than 7,000 lives. The government says around 2,000 members of its security forces have been killed combating "armed gangs and terrorists".