New Delhi: Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni on Sunday said that she believed that the fight against terrorism had to be fought jointly and that the Centre had no desire to infringe on the states` rights.

Reacting to a question on several states` resistance over the NCTC order issued by the Home Ministry, Soni said that "We have time and again said that terror should not be politicised." The Minister said that she felt that people would stand together in the fight against terror.
"I believe that people of the country will stand together as a combined front to eradicate terrorism," she said.
She also said that the Home minister P Chidambaram had already said that no step had been taken that violated states` rights. "The Home minister has reiterated for the last two days that no such step has been taken by Centre that violates the rights of the states," she said while speaking to reporters here.