Washington: US President Barack Obama has run out of ideas and excuses, White House hopeful Mitt Romney has said as he claimed victory in the crucial New Hampshire Republican primary after early results showed him taking 36 per cent of the vote.
Launching a scatting attack on Obama, who would be his opponent in the November elections if he bags the Republican presidential nomination, Romney alleged that the US president made loft promises to Americans four years ago. "The President has run out of ideas. Now, he`s running out of excuses," Romney said in New Hampshire.
"We remember when Barack Obama came to New Hampshire four years ago. He promised to bring people together. He promised to change the broken system in Washington. He promised to improve our nation.
Those were the days of lofty promises made by a hopeful candidate. Today, we are faced with the disappointing record of a failed President. The last three years have held a lot of change, but they haven`t offered much hope," Romney said. "The middle class has been crushed. Nearly 24 million of our fellow Americans are still out of work, struggling to find work, or have just stopped looking.
The median income has dropped 10 per cent in four years. Soldiers returning from the front lines are waiting in unemployment lines. Our debt is too high and our opportunities too few," Romney alleged.