Lucknow: The Jankranti Party, led by Kalyan Singh, on Wednesday released its manifesto for the Uttar Pradesh assembly election favouring division of UP into four states and opposing sub-quota for minorities.

Opposing any religion-based reservation, the manifesto said the party was against the Centre`s proposal to grant 4.5 per cent reservation to minorities within the 27 per cent OBC quota.

"The Jankranti Party follows the policy of justice to all and appeasement to none," Kalyan Singh said releasing the manifesto. Favouring unemployment allowance for youths, the party promised free education to girls up to the higher education level and 20 per cent reservation for them in government jobs. The party also opposed the FDI in retail sector. To a question on BJP`s "Vision Document" mentioning his government in UP as an achievement of the party, he said "if so, the BJP should give me credit and extend support to my party."