Hyderabad: A 10-member Task Force on National Security, headed by former Home Secretary VK Duggal, on Wednesday held wide-ranging talks with Andhra Pradesh government on various security-related issues. The Task Force members held a meeting with state Home Minister P Sabita Indra Reddy, Chief Secretary Pankaj Dwivedi, DGP V Dinesh Reddy and other top officials in the Secretariat.
Andhra Pradesh is one of the key states where focus should be more on maintaining internal security, Duggal is said to have told the state government.
He suggested that extra emphasis be laid on improving security along the Bay of Bengal coast through co-ordination between the Marine Police and the Coast Guard.
Also, there should be more exchange of information between AP and bordering states like Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra on Maoist insurgency, Duggal said. Official sources said Duggal and his team were briefed on the functioning of the state`s anti-terrorism wing Octopus.
While Duggal did not wish to talk to media about the meeting, the Task Force members later met Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy and briefed him about the deliberations.
"Given the current security scenario in the country, the Task Force is reviewing the preparedness of various states to tackle threats from different sources. As part of this exercise, Duggal and his team interacted with the state officials on security-related issues," a senior police official who took part in the meeting said.
The Task Force will submit a detailed report to the Centre after touring some more states.