CPI on Thursday demanded that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh reply to charges of irregularities in allocation of coal blocks instead of evading an answer over the issue. "The Prime Minister asserts he is clean but his responsibility would not go by saying so. He should reply what is his responsibility and that of the PMO," CPI General Secretary S Sudhakar Reddy told reporters here.

"The Prime Minister is trying to evade a reply by saying that he is clean and that his integrity cannot be questioned. PMO had a role in the matter and we demand that he take responsibility for it," he said. Training his guns on Prime Minister, Reddy wondered why Manmohan Singh remained silent when CPI sought cancellation of licences in the 2G issue in 2008. "The probe (into 2G scam) was held only after the Supreme Court intervened. What was his responsibility in this," he said.
"How can Singh claim to be clean when 22 MPs were purchased to save his government during the no-confidence motion moved after the Left parties withdrew their support to UPA-I over the Indo-US nuclear deal in 2008, the CPI general secretary alleged.
"He can prove his integrity by explaining the PMO`s role in coal gate and also the role of his party in purchasing the MPs," he said.