New Delhi: Government on Tuesday said 45 ceasefire violations were reported this year along the India-Pakistan border in Jammu and Kashmir, the Lok Sabha was informed on Tuesday. 117 ceasefire violations were reported between 2009-11 along the Line of Control, of which 28 were in 2009, 44 in 2010 and 45 between January and November this year, Minister of State for Home Mullappally Ramachandran said in a written reply.
Nine security personnel were killed and around 52 injured in various firing incidents reported in 2008-11 along the international border. Besides, two civilian porters were killed in cross Line of Control firing, he said. Ramachandran said the Centre has paid compensation of over Rs two crore to the next of kin of Border Security Force personnel deployed under the operational control of the Army in J&K.
"All incidents of ceasefire violations are investigated and protests are lodged with Pakistan military authorities at appropriate level through the established mechanism of hotlines, flag meetings and meetings between the Directors General of Military Operations (DGMO) of the two countries," he said. The issue of ceasefire violations was taken up with the Pakistan side during the Foreign Secretary-level talks between India and Pakistan held in Islamabad in June, he added.