New Delhi: A youth has been jailed for 10 years by a Delhi court for raping the three-year-old daughter of his neighbour after taking the child away from her mother on pretext of playing with her.
"After considering the age, antecedents and character of the convict, sentence of 10 years rigorous imprisonment is imposed upon him," Additional Sessions Judge Virender Kumar Goyal said while sentencing 20-year-old Sarwan Kumar, a resident of Jahangir Puri.
The court, which also imposed a fine of Rs 2,000 on Kumar, rejected the defence argument that he was falsely implicated in the case due to old enmity, saying "no one can charge the person for false accusation of such nature just to take revenge."
According to prosecution, Kumar approached the victim`s mother at her house on October 3, 2009 and asked her to let the child go along with him to play at his house. After some time victim`s mother went to Kumar`s house to take her daughter back, but she found the door closed from inside, said the prosecution, adding, when she forced open the door, she found Kumar raping her daughter.
As she raised alarm, Kumar fled the scene and she reported the matter to police, which registered a case against Kumar. The accused surrendered in the court in December 2009. After Kumar`s conviction, the prosecution sought deterrent sentence for him saying he had raped a three-year-old child and no ground was made out for a mild punishment.