Washington: President Barack Obama is not only leading Republican Presidential contender Mitt Romney in polls, but also in the number of fake Twitter followers, a report has found. According to Fake Follower Check, a new social media measuring tool, 41 percent of Obama’s 18.6 million Twitter followers are fake, 35 percent are inactive and 25 percent are ‘good’, or likely to be authentic. Of Romney’s 860,200 followers, the tool found that 22 percent of Twitter followers are sham, 33 percent are inactive and 45 are percent real, the New York Daily News reports. According to the report, team Romney was forced to deny charges that it purchased fake followers in July, after the Romney’s Twitter account gained more than 140,000 followers over a two-day period. “For those of you with 10,000 followers or less we believe our tool will provide a very accurate insight into how many inactive and fake followers you have. If you``re very ``popular`` the tool will still provide good insight, but may better reflect your current follower activity rather than your whole follower base,” the report quoted StatusPeople, the service that developed the tool, who wrote on its website. (ANI)