Zeenews Bureau
Wisconsin, US: A white man with a 9/11 tattoo, that’s how the coldblooded killer who shot dead six persons at a Gurdwara in the Milwaukee suburb of Oak Creek, Wisconsin was described by eyewitnesses.
The 40-year-old man is said to be a resident of the same neighbourhood, entered the Gurdwara from the kitchen side with a gun, when food was being prepared for Sunday community lunch, and started firing indiscriminately. By the time the police arrived and engaged him in a gun fight, he had shot dead 6 persons and injured at least 10.
The senseless killer was shot dead by the police. The man has not been identified by name; he was wearing a white T-shirt and army fatigue pants. Police are searching his home; no motive has been ascertained yet.
It is feared that it was hate crime but no official confirmation is unavailable at the moment.
The FBI, which would be probing the case, has termed it as a "domestic terrorist-type incident". US President Barack Obama was also briefed by his counter-terrorism advisor John Brennan on the situation and the White House is seized of the matter, US officials said.
Indian Ambassador to the US Nirupama Rao said that an official has been deputed to rush to the site to ascertain the situation on-the-spot.
"The Embassy is seized of the situation and has been in touch with the National Security Council in Washington," she said.

The Oak Creek Gurdwara opened in 2007 and has a congregation of more than 350, while America is home to 700,000 Sikhs.
The shooting comes 16 days after 12 were killed and 58 wounded in a shooting in Colorado at a premiere of the latest Batman movie.