Dehra Dun: Paving way for the visually impaired to have a decisive role in the country`s democratic process, the Election Commission is encouraging use of EVMs having braille signs here in Uttarakhand where polling is on to elect the state`s third Assembly.
Unlike the 2007 elections when only braille EVMs were introduced, these multi-purpose machines can be used both by visually-challenged and normal persons alike. With this, it has now become possible for the literate visually challenged persons to cast their votes without any help.
Pooja Chaudhary (20), a visually impaired student pursuing a computer course at National Institute for Visually Handicapped (NIVH), exercised her franchise for the first time using the EVM having braille signs. Despite facing a little bit difficulty in casting the vote, an elated Pooja said "I did not get any training about using the EVM having signs of candidates contesting. But eventually, I was able to cast my vote. I am very happy."
Apart from Pooja, as many as 25 other visually challenged voters also exercised their franchise using these EVMs at the polling booth constituted at NIVH.