United Nations: India has expressed its support to a draft resolution brought by Russia at the UN Security Council that strongly condemns the violence in Syria by "all parties" but does not talk about imposing sanctions or an arms embargo on Syria.
The surprise draft introduced by Russia on December 16 "strongly condemns" violence "coming from all parties, including disproportionate use of force by Syrian authorities".
The draft "demands that all parties in Syria immediately stop any violence irrespective of where it comes from".
India`s concerns with regard to Syria have been mainly that all violence, either by the government forces or opposition, should stop, there should be respect for human rights and an inclusive Syrian-led political process to address the grievances of the people.
"All the three concerns that India has are reflected in the Russian draft resolution," an Indian diplomat closely associated with the discussions in the UN Security Council said. The diplomat said in the preliminary discussion that was held on the draft resolution, India expressed its support.
However, India`s final stand on the resolution will depend on what the final version will look like.
Apart from India, Brazil and China (part of the BRIC grouping) and Lebanon have also expressed support to the Russian draft.
The first round of discussion on the draft will be held on Monday, the diplomat said. Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin had said the draft "considerably strengthens" previous drafts "with regard to the interest in violence, with regard to the need to uphold human rights, with regard to expediting reforms".
So far, the only action that has come from the Security Council on Russia is a Presidential Statement asking the Syrian government to stop the violence.
The statement was passed in August under India`s Presidency of the Council.
Later in October, Russia and China had vetoed a council resolution condemning the Syrian violence.
India had abstained from voting on the resolution as it had threatened sanctions against Syria.
Churkin said the resolution would also "give a strong message to the Arab League that we encourage them to continue their efforts, and working together with the government of Syria, and to carry out its plans to deploy the monitoring mission in Syria.
While the US is pleased with Russia`s move to support Security Council action aimed at stopping violence in Syria it has said it will not accept the "weak" draft as it "appears to create a sense of parity between these peaceful protesters and the action of the regime, which has been extremely brutal and violent".