Lucknow: Opposition Congress, SP and BJP on Sunday dismissed BSP`s rally as "government sponsored show" and charged Chief Minister Mayawati with misleading Muslims and doing nothing considerable for them.
The reaction of the two parties came hours after the BSP supremo addressed an election rally where she said that 27 per cent OBC quota should be increased by making constitutional amendment to include backward Muslims in it.
"The BSP is befooling people as it did nothing for the welfare of common man. It is misusing official machinery to show party`s ahead of assembly polls," state Congress chief Rita Bahugauna Joshi said. She said the BSP is afraid of the increasing mass base of Congress after Rahul Gandhi`s campaign.
SP spokesman Rajendra Chowdhury too termed the rally as government sponsored.
BJP spokesman Vijay Bahadur Pathak said Mayawati has lost confidence of people "as she did nothing for their welfare during her tenure, which is going to end soon." He said BJP had presented details of companies allegedly owned by Mayawati`s brothers and instead of giving clarifications, she had diverted the issue.
"Mayawati government is neck deep in corruption and people of the state understand this," he said.