Las Vegas: Boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. gave his ex-girlfriend $200 to put under their daughter’s pillow for a lost tooth before threatening, hitting and taking a cell phone from the woman in an argument that led to a felony charge last week, according to a police arrest report made public on Monday.
The 33-year-old Mayweather is quoted as threatening to kill 30-year-old Josie Harris and her new boyfriend during the argument early Thursday at a home in southwest Las Vegas, and stating, “I’m going to have you both disappear,” according to the report.
Mayweather faces a grand larceny charge over the missing cell phone — not domestic battery or assault — after turning himself in to police on Friday. He was freed from jail on $3,000 bail pending a Nov. 9 appearance in Las Vegas Justice Court.
Mayweather’s lawyers have denied wrongdoing on his behalf. “We are confident the full picture will come out in the future and clarify the situation,” defense attorney Karen Winckler said Monday.
Winckler added that the Mayweather camp was waiting to see whether Clark County District Attorney David Roger adds domestic battery or other criminal charges in the case.
Police initially labeled the incident a battery domestic case. The arrest report about the scuffle is similar to an account Harris provided Thursday to obtain a Clark County Family Court protection order against Mayweather.
Both say Mayweather was angry about her a relationship with another man, and both say Mayweather grabbed Harris by her hair, hit her and twisted her arm while yelling that he would kill her. The couple have three children, ages 7 to 10. The police report provided the account about tooth fairy money and about Mayweather giving an iPhone as a gift to his 10-year-old son. Only the police report includes a reference to the alleged theft of Harris’ cell phone.
Mayweather’s son told police that Mayweather also took phones from him and his brother.
Police say Mayweather was accompanied by another man when he arrived at the house, and the son told police he witnessed his father hitting and kicking Harris.
Police say Mayweather threatened to beat the children if they left the house or called police, and that Mayweather later used Harris’s phone to call her friend, who had accompanied Harris to a Las Vegas hospital for treatment of minor facial injuries and a sore left arm.
The woman hung up on Mayweather, police said.
The value of the phone was put at about $322, meaning that Mayweather could face up to five years in state prison if he is convicted of taking items valued at less than $2,500.
Mayweather and Harris had three children together during what Harris characterized for authorities as a 15-year “on and off” relationship. She said they lived together for seven years before separating in May.
Police said Mayweather wanted to evict Harris from the house, which he owns.
Mayweather is one of the sport’s most recognizable figures, with a record of 41-0 and 25 knockouts. He goes by the nickname “Money” and earned more than $20 million in May from his fight in Las Vegas against “Sugar” Shane Mosley.
He also made headlines earlier this month with an online video laced with expletives and racial rants against boxing rival Manny Pacquiao, who faces Antonio Margarito on Nov. 13 at Cowboys Stadium near Dallas.
Bureau Report