United Nations: UN Secretary General Ban Ki- moon has termed the liberation of Libya after decades of dictatorship as "a historical juncture" that will pave way for a new future that ensures respect for human rights and rule of law for the Libyans.

"Today marks an occasion for Libyans to celebrate, to look forward to a future of liberties and opportunities, from the right to express an opinion freely to the right to elect their own government," Ban said.


The declaration by the Libyan National Transitional Council comes three days after the death of the country`s long-time leader Muammar Gaddafi who was killed in his hometown of Sirte last week, bringing an end to eight months of conflict between government forces and rebels that began when the pro-democracy movement started earlier this year. Ban said the United Nations is committed, through its support mission in Libya, to help the Libyan people and their authorities as they work to build a new country.

He said the end of the war is only the beginning of what Libyan fighters, youth and women have struggled for.

"Their determination now is to build a truly new Libya, overcoming the grim legacy of human rights abuse and corruption".

The Libyan people will now be in full charge of their future which their new leaders have declared will be based on justice and national reconciliation. The new leaders of Libya should honour their commitment to build accountable democratic institutions, guided by respect for human rights and rule of law, and to the transparent management of Libya`s resources for the benefit of all Libyans.