London: Unmanned drones carrying deadly poison could be used to carry out terror attacks during this year`s Olympic Games, a senior UK Army officer has warned.
Lieutenant Colonel Brian Fahy grimly warned during a meeting intended to calm residents worried about the Army`s plans to position missiles on the rooftops of their flats for security purpose during Olympics, that it was possible that remote-controlled aircraft filled with poison could be used as a biological weapon during Olympics. ``An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) can be put in a backpack. They come in all sorts of sizes and it’s feasible they could be filled with something noxious and flown by remote control,`` Daily Mail quoted Fahy as saying.
Fahy, the officer responsible for community relations during the Olympics, said this at Leytonstone, East London, near one of six sites where surface-to air missile batteries could be placed in order to shoot down aircraft attempting to infiltrate an Olympic ``no fly`` zone.
Fahy has, however, not commented on what type of poison could be used if an aerial attack occurred. He said: ``For the duration of the Olympics anyone flying into controlled airspace is to file their flight plan with the Civil Aviation Authority.”
``The range of threats varies in size and capability. It could be a commercial airliner hijacked by somebody with malicious intentions or a protest group using a microlight to get their name in the papers.``
His poison warning comes after revelations that SAS troops underwent anthrax emergency training at the government’s top-secret military research establishment at Porton Down, Wiltshire.
Defence Secretary Philip Hammond has made it clear that he is ready to give the order to shoot down any aircraft threatening the Olympics with a 9/11-style attack.