Ferozepur: The Border Security Force on Friday recovered arms and ammunition from a pit close to the International Border with Pakistan in Amarkot sector of the district. The weapons were found following information received by BSF personnel based on an intercept, DIG BSF Rajesh Gupta, of the Ferozepur Sector Headquarter told a news agency here. He said that four 9mm pistols with eight magazines, two Chinese made revolvers with 36 rounds and a "pump action gun" were dug out from a pit about 300 yards inside the Indian territory close to the IB.
Gupta said that the "pump action gun" was a new type of weapon recovered by the personnel of the 45th Battalion of the BSF.
The security personnel, including the BSF and the Punjab Police, have stepped up vigil along the international border with Pakistan as also within Punjab in view of the assembly elections to be held in the state on January 30.