Colombo: Amid growing political tension and escalating violence in Maldives, Britain on Wednesday appealed to all parties to maintain peace and calm in the archipelago for holding of free and fair elections. Noting that "efforts to restore calm and stability in Maldives are being hampered by increasing political tension and escalating violence", British foreign office minister Alistair Burt called for free and fair elections.
"I encourage all relevant actors in Maldives to refrain from any actions that could jeopardise the stable environment necessary to allow the Commission of National Inquiry to complete its work and for free and fair elections to take place," Burt said in a statement released here. Mohamed Nasheed the first democratically elected president of the Maldives resigned under unclear circumstances on February 7.
Nasheed`s MDP had called it a coup.
His successor Mohamed Wahid has appointed a commission of inquiry to probe the February 7 events.
But Nasheed`s MDP doubts its sincerity. They want early presidential elections.
Burt said it is vital that it is able to conclude commission`s work swiftly, fairly and independently, so that the circumstances surrounding the events of February 7 are clearly established.