London: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has hit back at critics who made gibes about her sense of style, saying that she doesn’t worry about wearing make-up any more.
During a brief tour in India, Bangladesh and China last week, the former first lady was photographed looking fresh-faced and wearing glasses.
Experts were quick to highlight her unpolished appearance, saying she looked “tired and withdrawn” and pictures were circulated on various social media websites, under the heading “Hillary au Natural”. “You know at some point, it’s just not something that deserves a lot of time and attention,” the Telegraph quoted Hillary as saying in an interview with CNN on Wednesday.
“I feel so relieve to be at the stage I’m at in my life right now … and if others want to worry about it, I let them do the worrying for a change.”
“Because you know, if I want to wear my glasses I’m wearing my glasses. If I want to wear my hair back I’m pulling my hair back,” she said.
Her comments came as a new television show about a Secretary of State and philandering husband was announced, making uncomfortable viewing for the Clinton household. The political drama, Political Animals, is set to appear on US TV screens in November and stars Sigourney Weaver as Elaine Barrish, a former first lady on the rebound whose own presidential ambitions were thwarted.