New Delhi: Amidst the on-going doping controversy surrounding ace Indian wrestler Narsingh Yadav, Sushil Kumar released a statement rubishing the claims of his involvement in the proclaimed conspiracy.


Speaking to CNN New 18, the two-time Olympic medallist re-iterated that he has been backing Narsingh to perform well at Olympics soon after running out of the Rio race himself.

Saddened by his name being dragged in the conspiracy, Sushil also clarified that he had stopped practicing for the Rio Games a while back and had been planning to go on a vacation with family.

The 33-year-old added that the role of a wrestler's support staff is crucial while preparing for a competition of the level of Olympics, which is probably where Narsingh Yadav's team faulted.

Sushil went on to say that he sees Narsingh as a younger brother and hopes he gets his name cleared form the controversy and earns India a medal at the Olympics.