New Delhi: The Defence Ministry has cleared the appointment of Maj Gen Prabhu Singh Rathore, a veteran military law expert, as the Judge Advocate General (JAG) of the Indian Army. The JAG is the top law officer of the service and the chief legal adviser of the Army chief in matters pertaining to the force`s laws.
The appointment of the JAG was cleared on Friday and the officer will take over in the next few days, Defence Ministry sources told .
The top legal post in the Army has been lying vacant after the retirement of previous incumbent Maj Gen B V Nair, who superannuated on January 31. The appointment was delayed as a Lieutenant Colonel had approached the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) alleging that Rathore had attempted to adversely impact his career.
After admitting the case, the Kolkata Bench of the Armed Forces Tribunal had stayed Rathore`s promotion but vacated it last month.
The case is still on in Kolkata. Rathore was earlier serving as the Deputy Judge Advocate General (D-JAG) in the Jaipur-based South Western Army Command before proceeding to Army Headquarters here after promotion recently.
With his appointment as JAG, Rathore will have to look after several important ongoing cases in the Army courts including the final outcome in the Sukna land scam where Lt Gen Avadesh Prakash has been recommended for dismissal.