Zeenews Bureau
Yangon: British Prime Minister David Cameron on Friday met President Thein Sein and pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi on a one day visit to Myanmar.
Cameron’s historic visit is considered to be the first by the serving British Prime Minister in decades by a Western leader to the military-dominated country in decades.
Ex-general Thein Sein hailed the summit as historic as he welcomed Cameron to his official residence in the regime`s showpiece capital Naypyidaw.
After conducting one-to-one talks, Cameron had lunch with Thein Sein, before travelling to the former capital Yangon for talks with Suu Kyi.
Cameron entered talks with the Nobel Peace Prize winner at the Yangon home where she was locked up for much of the past 22 years by the military junta who ruled the country for almost half a century until last year. During the talks, British PM David Cameron said, "I think the time is right to suspend rather than lift the economic sanctions. World should recognise the changes that have taken place in Myanmar. We should respond when regime takes action. Myanmar can have bright future after democracy.”
While welcoming Cameron’s suggestions, Suu Kyi said, “I support idea of suspending sanctions. We appreciate the help from UK and other countries. I hope this year will bring democracy in our country.”

"We must continue taking calculated risks", she added. Cameron praised Suu Kyi by saying she has been an `inspiration` and he also invited her to Britain in June after holding landmark dialogues.

Cameron is on trade mission in South East Asian country rich in untapped resources and desperate to attract foreign investment.