Melbourne: World number 13 Nick Kyrgios looks set to have his two-month ban from the ATP Tour cut to three weeks after agreeing to a "care plan", Australian media reported on Sunday.


Kyrgios received the ban and a $25,000 fine after being found guilty of "conduct contrary to the integrity of the game" after "not giving his best effort" in a match at the Shanghai Masters earlier this month.

The ATP said the ban would be cut if the Australian agreed to "a plan of care under the direction of a sports psychologist, or an equivalent plan approved by ATP".

Although largely academic because Kyrgios is not scheduled to play again this year, the governing body of men`s tennis said the player had accepted help.

"Nick has taken up the care plan on offer to him from the ATP," the ATP told the Australian Associated Press.

"The details and contents of the plan are strictly confidential."

Kyrgios was beaten 6-3 6-1 by Mischa Zverev in the second round in Shanghai after a bizarre display in which he delivered a series of half-hearted serves and walked off court before the German returned the ball to him.

The tempestuous 21-year-old also clashed with a spectator before being booed off the court.

The original ban would have ruled Kyrgios out of men`s tour events until the Australian Open but he was only scheduled to play at the Jan. 1-7 Hopman Cup, which is not an ATP event, before the year`s first grand slam in any case.