Miranshah: A US drone has crashed in Pakistan’s South Waziristan Agancy, according to Pakistani security officials.
Conflicting reasons are being given for the drone crash. The Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) have claimed responsibility for the crash, and said that the unmanned US drone was shot down, the Dawn reports.
However, security officials claimed that the drone had crashed in Zangara village of South Waziristan due to technical difficulties, the report said. Zangara is 80 kilometres north of Wana, the main town of South Waziristan.

Two intelligence officials in Wana confirmed the incident, and said it was an armed Predator drone, according to the report.


The United States uses unmanned surveillance aircraft in its war on terror, to monitor militants in Pakistan, from where al Qaeda and Taliban-linked fighters launch attacks in Afghanistan.
It also uses Predator drones to launch missile attacks aimed at militants in Pakistan’s volatile northwestern border areas.