New Delhi: Twitter boss Elon Musk has now taken a step back on the payment of $8 to get blue tick on the microblogging site. Twitter Blue was to come back end of this week, the billionaire owner had earlier said in a tweet on Saturday. Twitter had paused its recently announced $8 blue check subscription service on November 11 as fake accounts mushroomed.


"Holding off relaunch of Blue Verified until there is high confidence of stopping impersonation. Will probably use different color check for organizations than individuals," Elon Musk tweeted.

Twitter had delayed the roll out of its much-anticipated Blue subscription service with verification tag for $8 after the US midterm elections.

The new Twitter Blue service comes with fewer ads, search priority, an ability to post longer videos, and a blue badge.

Anyone can now get a verified checkmark if they pay for Blue every month, which has sparked serious concerns over how to spot real Twitter accounts from the fake ones.

Musk has confirmed that the new Twitter Blue subscription service for $8 will be available in India in less than a month.

On charging $8 for the Blue subscription service, Musk said: "Trash me all day, but it'll cost $8."