Mark Zuckerberg-owned Meta recently unveiled a new social media platform named Threads. This platform gained over 100 million users in just five days of its release. Threads, which is a text-sharing platform, is very much like Elon Musk-owned Twitter. It was also reported that Musk has allegedly sent a cease-and-desist letter to Zuckerberg, accusing him of using Twitter’s trade secrets and other intellectual property for Threads development. However, despite all this, Meta's new app is gaining a lot of followers and likes. After seeing its popularity, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri has broken down some of the hidden features of Threads, which may or may not be known by many people.


1) Your post, your decision: Adam Mosseri explained that whenever users post anything on Threads, they can also decide who can reply and who cannot. When the user uploads any thread, they can alter the setting to enable anyone to reply or just a few specific users. This is one of the features that distinguishes Threads from Twitter, as most of the time a tweet goes viral due to the inclusion of random comments and replies.

2) Tap to Thread: One of the easiest and most effective shortcuts for creating a new thread is to tap three times on Threads Composer. After doing so, users can create a new post. This reduces the time and with the help of this, users can quickly apprise their audience about their activities.

3) Quick follow and mute: The Thread users can follow any account by tapping on the plus button on the account’s post. This way they can avoid visiting the account’s page every time they wish to follow someone. Similarly, if they want to mute someone on Threads, all they have to do is click on the three dots at the top. This way they can easily mute any account.

4) Take a break: When active, the Threads app reminds the users to step away from it. In the settings, the user can set reminders for the amount of time they would devote to this platform. When this exceeds, Threads remind the users about the same. This way Threads also helps the users in avoiding the social media vortex.

5) Thread to Instagram: One of the hidden gems mentioned by the Instagram CEO is that the user can also share their Thread’s post to Instagram by clicking on the airplane option present at the bottom of the post. This way they can also showcase their post to their Instagram audience.