New Delhi: After launching several new features this year, Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is reportedly rolling out the ability to watch Status directly from WhatsApp's chat list for iOS users. According to WABetaInfo, the beta version is bringing the ability to view Status updates within the chat list. It has been released to certain beta testers, and therefore, it is still not available to everyone.


Using this feature, which is similar to Stories, users can publish pictures and videos that disappear after 24 hours. Recently, Meta Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced three new privacy features on WhatsApp, giving users more control over their conversations and added layers of protection when messaging. (Also Read: Facebook losing its grip as 'Top 10' app in US: Report)

Screenshot blocking was one of those features and was under development on WhatsApp beta for iOS, and has not been spotted on Android beta by the WhatsApp beta tracker website WABetaInfo. When the recipient tries to take a screenshot to view once images and videos, the screenshot will be automatically blocked, but the sender will not receive any notification. (Also Read: Ikea to open small city outlets along with mega formats in India supported by online channel)

However, a user can still take photos using a secondary phone or camera.