New Delhi: WhatsApp rolled out Picture-in-Picture for video calls on iOS, which was earlier available for Android devices. The feature will allow users to move to the home screen or any other app while having the video of a video call. Hence, iOS WhatsApp users will be able to utilise other applications while on a video conversation thanks to PiP mode. The feature first appeared on Android devices. The App Store now offers WhatsApp for iOS version 23.3.77, which is the most recent upgrade. With support for iOS Picture in Picture (PiP), you may now multitask during a WhatsApp call without your video pausing, according to the changelog for the upgrade. As a result, you may utilise a video conversation to check your emails, browse the internet, and scroll through your Instagram feed without worrying that your video feed will be halted.

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In 2020, Apple debuted the Picture in Picture mode as part of iOS 14, but Android's equivalent was only made available in 2017 with the introduction of Android 8.0 Oreo. However, third-party apps are being slow to embrace the capability on iOS, much as how Apple waited almost three years to add the PiP option for videos. WhatsApp waited about three years, but YouTube offered PiP mode for its iOS app approximately two years after the feature was introduced.

Over the past few weeks, WhatsApp has also released a number of brand-new features. You can share up to 100 images or videos at once, provide captions with photos, transmit high-quality images and videos, design avatars and send them to contacts, and use them as your profile pictures. The startup, which is owned by Meta, also has plans to increase the functionality of WhatsApp Business, an application for businesses. A report suggests that WhatsApp may be working on integrating the Communities feature into the WhatsApp Business application.