Amaravati: Lone Opposition party in Andhra Pradesh, YSR Congress today urged the Telugu Desam government to immediately honour its election-eve promise made in 2014 and pay Rs 2,000 a month as unemployment allowance to all unemployed youth in the state.


In his first open letter to Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu, Leader of Opposition Y S Jaganmohan Reddy regretted that the government did not honour its promise of paying unemployment allowance even 33 months after coming to power.

"You went to the elections in 2014 promising at least one job to each household in Andhra Pradesh. You promised to pay Rs 2000 as unemployment allowance in the event of non-provision of job but even after 33 months, your promise remains unfulfilled," Jagan said.

The government owed Rs 66,000 to each unemployed youth in the state in the last 33 months and the aggregate dues amounted to Rs 1.15 lakh crore (for 1.75 crore households in the state), the YSRC chief said.

"You have been claiming that lakhs of crores of rupees of investments are coming into the state and that lakhs of jobs are being created. Except you, no one else is able to see them. Availability of employment options either in the public sector or the industrial and information technology sectors has indeed been hopeless. So, there is all the more need to immediately pay unemployment allowance to the unemployed youths," Jagan added.

Since the state budget for 2017-18 is about to be presented, the Opposition leader wanted the government to make adequate budgetary provision to pay up the unemployment allowance dues and also further monthly payments.

"Make an announcement immediately that henceforth the unemployment allowance will be paid every month," he told the Chief Minister.

"I am writing this letter only to remind you about the promise you made three years ago and forgot. There are many other promises that you failed to honour. I will write another letter to remind you of those promises as well," Jagan told Chandrababu.