New Delhi: 'Bigg Boss 12' is all set to be aired from September and buzz has already started to appear around the reality show. As per latest reports doing rounds on social media, Noida residents Robin Gujjar and his mom Shyamvati have been chosen as the common man child-parent jodi confirmed for Salman Khan's show this year. 
Several reports have claimed that Robin seems to have impressed the juries and has fared well in the Group Discussion round. And now, everything depends on his personal interview, which is yet to happen. 


Robin is from a farmer's home and holds farming and the Indian Defence Forces close to his heart. He also happens to be a big fan of WWE. Initial celebrations began at his hometown after news of him clearing initial rounds for the show reached his village. 

Check out the photos on his Instagram handle: 

An Instagram post on his account revealed that he is a product of JP International School and has studied in Delhi's Shyam Lal College in Shahdara. Well, Noida boys happen to be doing a great job when it comes to making it to the show. Common man Manveer Gujjar, who won season 11 of the show, was also a resident of a Noida village.