With a zesty mix of drama, action, emotions and laughter amongst the contestants and having Romil-Nirmal and Dipika sent to the Kaalkothri, the contestants remained perplexed about this week’s captaincy. Bigg Boss woke them up on ‘Woh sikandar Hi Dosto’ hinting at that the captaincy task for the week. Bigg Boss asked Nehha to get her team of singles to nominate 2 contestants from either their team or one from the singles and one from the jodi’s for captaincy. This special power was given to the single team for being the winners of the luxury budget task.


Without much confusion and no excessive banter on who to chose, for their representative, the individuals picked their candidate unanimously and they chose Nehha and Karanvir from their team for the same. A grand twist came in when Bigg Boss announced that the jodis will have the power to choose their captain. Post the announcement, both Nehha and Karanvir were seen skillfully trying to manipulate the jodis so that they voted in their favour.

This captaincy task was exciting, there were two set of stumps kept with Karanvir and Nehha's name on it. Each member from a jodi had to come as a wicketkeeper to Sreesanth's bowling and would then have the power to stump the wicket of that contestant who they thought wasn’t worthy of being captain by justifying their actions. This task had 5 rounds and at the end whoever had the highest score was declared the captain.

Did Nehha's coaxing work or Karanvir’s charm? Did the contenders succeed in manipulating the contestants? Who was voted the Fizz captain of the week?

Don’t forget to watch Appy Fizz presents Bigg Boss 12 powered by Oppo F9 Pro every day at 9 pm only on COLORS