Mumbai: The reality show 'Bigg Boss 15', which has been seeing a flurry of wild card entries and special guests to shore up its reportedly sagging viewership, is most likely to see the arrival of Shehnaaz Gill, a 'Bigg Boss 13' contestant and reported girlfriend of the late Sidharth Shukla.


The chemistry between Sidharth and Shehnaaz was very much in the limelight since they were seen together on 'Bigg Boss 13'. Sadly, the world got to see a very distraught Gill after the sudden death of Shukla on September 2 earlier this year.

The fairytale SidNaaz romance came to a tragic end, but now fans will be watching closely how Shernaaz's entry alters the dynamics inside the house. Her entry is bound to be an emotional moment both for her and for the legions of SidNaaz fans.

Shehbaz Badesha, Shehnaaz's brother, recently posted a picture with her after getting a tattoo. Shehnaaz can be seen holding up his hand, where he got the tattoo. The post made SidNaaz fans get emotional if we are to go by the responses on social media.

Shehnaaz has also been in the news lately for the Diljit Dosanjh film 'Honsla Rakh', where she appears with the Punjabi superstar and Sonam Bajwa, so she'll surely bring eyeballs to 'Bigg Boss 15'.