Sofia: On her TV shows such as "Swaragini" and "Pehredaar Piya Ki", actress Tejasswi Prakash was mostly seen in Indian attire. Now, however, she is all set to experiment with her look in the upcoming season of "Khatron Ke Khiladi". In the reality game show, Tejasswi will don western outfits.


"I feel comfortable in western clothes although most of the shows I've done have required me to wear Indian clothes. I have been working out a lot recently and it's quite satisfying to see the results on my body," Tejasswi said, on her transformation.

"I am a huge fitness freak and this show is bringing out the sporty, athletic side of me that was curbed for a long time because of my hectic shooting schedules. It feels great to step out of that Indian look in front of the people watching me because I don't want to be typecast as someone who only does typical Indian roles," she added.

Tejasswi is currently shooting for the stunt reality show in Bulgaria.