New Delhi: Finally, after much speculation, TV actor Aamir Ali shared the first pictures of his and Sanjeeda Shaikh's daughter Ayra Ali, who turned one on Sunday. The pictures feature baby Ayra cradled in her father's arms. She looks cute as a button in a blue dress. Ayra was reportedly born via surrogacy. 


While introducing his daughter to the world, Aamir wrote on Instagram, "Didn't know how angel's look like, until I saw her exactly a year back.. My Lil girl from heaven, had come down to earth.. didn't believe in love at 1st sight, until I saw her the first time.. So much has happened this 1 year, my Chota sa jaan kept me strong n going. My love, My jaan completes 1 year.. Ayra Ali."

Take a look at the pictures here. The adorable snaps of the father-daughter duo have taken over the internet.   

Aamir and Sanjeeda, who married in 2012, are, however, separated from each other. As per reports, it was a mutual decision. They are yet to file for a divorce.