Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh's Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday addressed a total of 109 newly elected BJP MLAs here and asked them to work without any hesitation and any pressure. 


Welcoming the first time MLAs, the Chief Minister said "this is a pleasant symptom of democracy. There is a perception about life delegates that one place can not be sat for a long time. But here's a good picture to see that the Governor has arrived five minutes ago and all of you reached here before."

Adityanath told the legislatures that the responsibility of the public representative should be maintained. "We will work as per the requirement of public and will try to live up to their expectations. 

While addressing the MLAs, CM Yogi said that new legislatures can keep their point in the House while keeping the rules in their mind and added that the House is a wonderful platform to refine yourself. 

He said that everybody in the country wants to become a Member of Parliament or a legislator after their retirement as the house is the basis of democracy.

"Keep all things in accordance with the rules in the House as the solution comes from the rules itself," he said. 

During his address, the Chief Minister said that "we are getting full support from the Uttar Pradesh Governor Ram Naik. He is like a guardian to us. The people's representatives have started getting funds because of the Governor. The national song could also be started in parliament because of him."

Along with this, the Chief Minister also spoke about paying attention to conduct. He said, "We have to keep our conduct better in the Legislative Assembly representing 22 crore people. This will help in the development of the state. In a democracy, the legislature has its own importance."  

CM Adityanath said that Uttar Pradesh is blessed with the blessings of nature.