DNA: Pappu Yadav`s Exclusive Interview on Lawrence Bishnoi

Written By Yashwant Bhaskar | Last Updated: Oct 30, 2024, 02:36 AM IST | Source: Zee News

Pappu Yadav had an EXCLUSIVE conversation with Zee News today... In this conversation, Pappu Yadav put forward his clarification on the controversy related to Lawrence Bishnoi... During this conversation, Pappu Yadav also claimed that he is getting threatening calls from Malaysia... Along with this, he also revealed the name of the gangster who is threatening. From which gangster is Pappu Yadav getting threats... Why is Pappu Yadav saying that his government security should be withdrawn... Pappu Yadav himself will answer all these questions today... in DNA's EXCLUSIVE REPORT


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