Taal Thok Ke: Bangladesh to Pakistan.. the new Taliban!

Written By Sonam | Last Updated: Aug 21, 2024, 19:44 PM IST | Source: Zee News

Taal Thok Ke: Bangladesh is a hell for Hindus right now. Everywhere, minorities, especially Hindus, are being brutalized. Their houses are being demolished, shops are being looted, and Hindu employees and teachers are being forced to resign. Such cases have been coming to light continuously for the last few days. People are not safe even in their own homes. You can say Bangladesh to Pakistan is the new Taliban. Because atrocities are being committed in Talibani style in both the places. Today we have brought Pakistan in the debate because amidst the atrocities on minorities in Bangladesh, a new fire of hatred against minorities has been ignited in Pakistan too. And the Supreme Court of Pakistan has also been scorched in this fire. The Chief Justice there has had to face opposition for giving a verdict in favor of the Ahmadiya community, which is counted among the minorities.


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