NEW DELHI: As India's grand moon dance with Chandrayaan-3 continues to impress the universe, our pals across the border in Pakistan have unveiled their comedic genius in response to this celestial spectacle. In a twist that left stomachs sore from laughter, Pakistani citizens have thrown in their two cents on India's space extravaganza. Among these comedy gold nuggets, a 16-second video has taken the internet by storm, spreading faster than gossip in a small town.


In this viral masterpiece, a Pakistani lad is caught on camera enlightening a citizen journalist about India's lunar ambitions. He drops the knowledge bomb that while India is throwing money at the moon, Pakistanis have been chilling there all along. "Arrey bhai, woh paise laga ke chaand pe jaa rahe hain, hum toh pehle se hi chaand pe hain, aapko nahi pata tha?" the lad quips in the video that's practically having its own comedy tour.

WATCH The Viral Video Here



Curious to unveil this lunar mystery, the journalist presses further, asking what exactly he means by Pakistanis already living on the moon. The lad's response is as mind-blowing as a conspiracy theory involving alien cats: Pakistanis have no electricity, cooking gas, or water just like the moon. Classic lunar living conditions, you see. The video was first shared by Shoaib Chaudhry, a Pakistani YouTuber with a flair for lunar humor.

And lo and behold, the digital realm exploded with laughter, with netizens lining up to throw in their penny's worth. "I'm low-key feeling for the Pakistani folks. Can't blame 'em when their politicians are as lost as a sock in a dryer," one user sympathetically chuckled. "Jokes aside, hats off from a Pakistani. I'm genuinely clapping for India here. You guys are aiming for greatness while we're still in a cosmic comedy show," another user chimed in, waving the cosmic comedy flag.

"Let's give it up for them! Pakistanis truly have a knack for cracking jokes, even when they're moonstruck. No wonder they churn out the best stand-up maestros," a witty netizen praised, probably while sipping moon chai.

India's Chandrayaan-3 Steals the Moon's Thunder with Epic Landing


In a heroic leap for India's interstellar capers, Chandrayaan-3, India's self-proclaimed moon whisperer, performed a flawless moonwalk on the southern pole of our lunar buddy at the party time of 6:04 PM on a hump day. This dazzling feat has officially ushered India into the exclusive club of four nations that have successfully parked their cosmic rides on the moon's driveway.

In this spectacle, India enters the elite orbit alongside the USA, China, and the former Soviet Union, leaving the moon absolutely starstruck with its graceful landing. Notably, nobody in the cosmic gala has previously dared to groove on the moon's rugged southern dance floor, known for hiding secret stashes of frozen water and, who knows, maybe some moon truffles.

Setting off on its second moon voyage in four years, Chandrayaan-3's swanky four-legged lander, Vikram, carrying the 26-kg rover Pragyan, executed a flawless moonplunge in the moon's southern crib at the clock's chime of 6:04 PM. ISRO's starry-eyed scientists skillfully managed the nerve-wracking "20 minutes of terror," where every second felt like eternity while descending, and it wasn't even a Netflix binge.

Just a hop, skip, and a cosmic jump away from the triumphant landing, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) enthusiastically announced that the lander and ISRO's Mission Operations Complex (MOX) in Bengaluru were chatting like old pals.

As a cosmic bonus, ISRO shared images captured by the Lander Horizontal Velocity Camera (LHVC) during the descent, as if they were sending us postcards from their lunar vacation. Amidst a galaxy of celebrations at MOX, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was cosmic-hopping in South Africa, cheered on our space heroes virtually. He declared that India's lunar victory isn't just a feather in our cap, but a whole peacock's worth of progress for humanity.

Bravo, India! Keep rocking the cosmic catwalk, and let's hope our Pakistani friends find the moon's WiFi password soon.