August 29, 2022, Delhi: Bengal BJP prominent youth icon Pamela Goswami, Cultural Incharge West Bengal BJP-Yuva Morcha, meets with Magic Man Sunil Bansal. Sunil Bansal is BJP's in-charge for West Bengal, Odisha, and Telangana of BJP. This was Goswami's first visit to Sunil Bansal after his appointment as General Secretary of the Bharatiya Janta Party. 


They met with a commitment to work together for a prosperous, free, connected, and secured West Bengal. Pamela Goswami and Sunil Bansal reviewed the current situation and youth future in Bengal and confabulated about their development. 

They also discussed the current situation of Indian Culture, literature, music, fine art, drama, and cinema, which has its roots set in West Bengal. They further evaluated the progress made in West Bengal in previous years, along with the strategic development. They committed to working on deepening the relationships and harmony among the youthof Bengal. 

“It was such an honor, empowering, and enlightening experience meeting the National General Secretary of BhartiyaJanta Party (BJP) and our new observer of West Bengal, Sunil Bansal Ji,” said Pamela Goswami.