Beijing: Top leaders of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Thursday adopted a landmark resolution on the "major achievements and historical experience" of the CPC, which is expected to strengthen President Xi Jinping`s grip on power.


The resolution was reviewed and adopted at the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, held in Beijing, Xinhua news agency reported citing the communique of the plenum.

The session heard and discussed a work report of the Chinese President delivered on behalf of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. The communist party leaders also passed a resolution on convening the 20th National Congress of the CPC in the second half of 2022 in Beijing, Chinese media said.

"The CPC Central Committee has made moves to restore order in Hong Kong and ensure a turn for the better in the region; and firmly opposes foreign interference and maintains the initiative and ability to steer cross-Strait relations," the Xinhua readout read.

"The Central Committee calls upon the entire Party, the military, and all Chinese people to rally more closely around the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core," it added.

President Xi while delivering remarks made explanations on a draft resolution on the major achievements and historical experience of the CPC`s "100 years of endeavours," reported Global Times.

The four-day meeting of the sixth plenary session concluded on Thursday with the adoption of a key resolution that would enhance the authority of Xi Jinping.

Such resolutions have been adopted only twice, in 1945 and 1981. Experts say the resolutions helped former leaders Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping consolidate their power, reported NHK World. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the party`s founding. 

The latest move is seen as an attempt by the current leadership to set the stage for President Xi to be re-elected at the party`s Congress next year, for a rare third term.

Chinese analysts have said that the draft resolution looks back at the key events in the party`s 100-year history. It will strengthen the authority and leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Xi at its core. The draft resolution will also determine the Party`s direction for the next few decades, they said.

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