In a bizarre development, a man in UAE asked Dubai Police if he needs a permit to move between the houses of his two wives during the lockdown imposed by the government to curb the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 in the country.


Gulf news reported that a senior Dubai Police official was on radio answering queries from callers when one of the callers asked this question. 

“I’m married to two women,” said the caller. “Should I get a permit when I move from house to house?”

Brigadier Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, director of the Traffic Department at Dubai Police, told the caller that the lockdown will give him a good excuse not to see his other wife if he doesn’t want to be with her.

“I received many questions like this one. The permit is only for one time and people need to apply for a permit whenever they leave their homes for necessary matters,” Al Mazroui told Gulf News.

“It’s not logical to give someone a weekly permit to buy essentials as we are aiming to reduce movement on the roads. Areas which used to take one week to be completely sterlised, can be done within one day now, and that will speed the return to our daily lives,” he added.

Some other questions asked by callers ranged from when will coronavirus end and do people need permission from the government to walk their pets.

“Individuals are not allowed to leave the house except for essential purposes or if they are working in vital sectors during the national sterlisation programme,” Dubai Police replied on their official twitter handle.

Dubai Police has also urged the people to avoid going out for shopping in bulk with a permit and present receipts and the permit if asked by police. “People should use cycling only as a matter of transportation to go to the supermarket or pharmacy and back and not to cycle around their homes (as a form of leisure or recreation),” the official added.