Before COVID-19, that one-in-a-hundred-years-event shook the world, Australia was a premium destination for those seeking to escape highly populated countries and seek life-changing opportunities overseas. India was one of those countries, and the obvious pathway for younger aspirants to get to Australia was through a Student Visa. It allowed the student to study, experience the country, and, if so moved, to apply for permanent residency and citizenship.


Come the pandemic, and of course, international travel ceased abruptly. During the two years of lockdowns, rounds of vaccine sourcing and inoculation programs, we have had time to reflect on how we live our lives, what is of value to our families and us. In times of crisis, we tend to concentrate more fully. It is not surprising to note that the two fundamental building blocks of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – physiological and safety needs – have become the predominant focus of our attention. When things are going well, we tend to forget the fundamentals and concentrate more on the frivolous or less important. We may have much to thank COVID-19 for in some ways as it has opened our eyes up to real values, and it is thus that, with borders opening up again, that Australia, a country of abundance, that can satisfy physiological and safety needs, once more becomes a high priority for migrants; especially those utilising the Student Visa for Australia pathway.

Although migration agencies have had a rough two years, things look far brighter for the future. In addition to the desire of students to get here, the Australian government is well aware of the revenues the country earns from the overseas student education industry. Australia has an extensive and well-established vocational education system that feeds into the success of all aspects of the industry. Additionally, it has world-class universities situated in modern and appealing campuses; a big drawcard for those on a Student Visa in Australia.

So, we have willing students and willing hosts, the only requirement to match the two is a Student Visa. However, the visa application process in Australia is not without complications. A Student Visa application for Australia requires extensive pages of detailed information to be completed, and it is easy to get it wrong, which will result in delays and frustrations. Those wishing to avoid that will seek the services of migration professionals like Brisbane-based, Visapundit. Founder and CEO of Visapundit, Girish Rawat, lays emphasis on offering value and smooth pathways. He adds that “a successful migration professional needs to have experience, exemplary service and to bear in mind that most clients, especially those seeking a Student Visa, are performance and value-driven. Our core business model lies in providing career guidance and counselling services, and this is an attractive value-add to the smooth Student Visa pathway that we offer”.

With bright light showing at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel, Australia might be even better placed as one of the world’s premier student and migration destinations than two years ago, offering as it does excellent educational resources and an enviable lifestyle. If it is, then it will mean a win-win for opportunists and the host country. Students who successfully navigate the Student Visa application process will enjoy wider horizons, and Australia’s economy will benefit. Girish Rawat and Visapundit are here to smooth the pathway for those wishing to move, live, study or work in Australia. Your Student Visa for Australia may just be one click away.

(Brand Desk Content)