Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin has termed the hacking allegation of US presidential elections as “fictious” invented by the Democrats in a first reaction from the country's top leader.


The allegation of rigging of US elections by Russia has been dominating the world headlines even as the US House has ordered a probe into the charges.

The Russian leader dismissed the allegations in an exclusive interview with the French newspaper Le Figaro published on Tuesday.

The allegations were driven by the "desire of those who lost the US elections to improve their standing," Putin said in the interview.

"They want to explain to themselves and prove to others that they had nothing to do with it, their policy was right, they have done everything well, but someone from the outside cheated them," he reportedly said.

"It's not so. They simply lost, and they must acknowledge it," AP quoted the Russian leadear as saying in the interview.

And the “person who won was closer to the people and had a better understanding of what people wanted," the Russian leader said in a reference to President Donald Trump.

Puting stressed that it would be irrational to influence the US vote since the American president cannot “unilaterally shape policies”.

"Russia has never engaged in that, we don't need it and it makes no sense to do it.

"Presidents come and go, but policies don't change. You know why? Because the power of bureaucracy is very strong," he added.