New Delhi: With an eye on the future, Maruti Suzuki on Tuesday flagged off prototype electric vehicles for field tests in the country.


Developed by Suzuki Motor Corporation in Japan, the electric vehicles have been built in the company's Gurugram plant and will be put to test under a wide range of conditions - including varied terrains and changing weather conditions. The results are expected to help the company perfect the electric vehicles to the demanding nature of Indian roads and conditions. The company also informed that the prototype electric vehicles have been developed based on the existing model of Suzuki Motor Corporation.

The country's largest auto manufacturer is looking at electric vehicles to pave the way forward in the country. With India setting out on an ambitious goal of an all-electric car fleet by 2030, companies are increasingly looking at bringing newer and cleaner technology to India.

Experts however feel that there are big roadblocks that need to be first removed before electric vehicles could be popularised amongst masses. Amongst these are high buying cost, lack of infrastructure and lack of awareness among people at large. Government incentives in the near future could go a long way in helping consumers ditch petrol and diesel for a quick charge vehicle.