New Delhi: Bollywood filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma on Wednesday took to Twitter to share the second trailer of his upcoming film 'Sarkar 3'. In this new glimpse, Amitabh Bachchan can be seen undisputedly showcasing his power.


The new trailer is tough enough to take the excitement levels up a notch. "Sarkar roars for the 3rd time in Sarkar 3 Trailer2," the 'Satya' director posted on the social media. Along with the tweet, he also posted the URL to the fresh trailer. 

Watch for yourself:

The film marks the third instalment of 'Sarkar' series. It also stars Ronit Roy, Jackie Shroff, Manoj Bajpayee, Amit Sadh and Yami Gautam in prominent roles.

'Sarkar 3' happens to be a political thriller. It is named amongst the most anticipated films of the year. The flick is slated to take the silver screens by storm on May 12 this year.