New Delhi: After having kept the nation waiting with great anticipation for the release, Shah Rukh Khan's massive movie - Jawan has finally arrived on the big screens today. Turning the theatres into stadiums, the Jawan madness was well witnessed outside theaters. The madness for the action entertainer is well witnessed outside the famous Gaiety-Galaxy theatre in Mumbai and other parts of the country, where a massive crowd turned up for the early morning show. 


A humongous crowd of fans turned up for the early morning 6 AM show of Jawan at Gaiety-Galaxy theatre in Mumbai and subsequently at other theatres across the nation. Fans did a flash mob while celebrating the release, the massive crowd was seen hailing SRK and Jawan, and a huge cutout was also placed outside the famous theatre. This has only shown the magic of Jawan that has just begun. This is indeed the first time that such kind of madness for a film has been witnessed. Moreover, the fans also took social media by storm while sharing the visuals from the theatre. 

'Jawan' is a Red Chillies Entertainment presentation directed by Atlee, produced by Gauri Khan, and co-produced by Gaurav Verma. The film will be released worldwide in theatres on September 7th, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.