New Delhi: The trailer of upcoming political-drama ‘Madam Chief Minister’, starring  Richa Chadha, dropped on Wednesday (January 6). The actress took to Instagram to share the trailer. In the movie, Richa plays a young politician whose aim is to become the Chief Minister. 


In the trailer, Richa can be seen sporting short hair. It portrays how amid several obstacles, Richa’s character survives and fulfils her duty towards her people and values. 

Sharing the trailer Richa wrote, “This revolution is only getting started. Get ready for my upcoming movie #MadamChiefMinister. Movie releasing on 22nd January.”

Have a look at the trailer: 

‘Madam Chief Minister’ is helmed by Subhash Kapoor of the ‘Jolly LLB’ fame. The star cast includes Manav Kaul, Akshay Oberoi and Saurabh Shukla. The movie will hit the theatres on January 22